About me

I'm a freelance science writer and communicator with a particular interest in covering agriculture, medical science and climate change. I'm fascinated by the interactions between our environment and our health, and have written about this and other topics for publications around the world.

I also do a lot of social media work and have developed strategies and content for clients, particularly in the technology and space sectors. Although I love a good TikTok or tweet, I'm more passionate about long-form writing, which is why you'll find more of that work from me.

I'm obsessed with storytelling and how people around the world tell amazing stories in so many different formats. Some of my favourite stories can be found in Avatar: The Last Airbender (the animated series, of course), Skyrim and Taylor Swift's discography.

I live in Porto with my partner. When I'm not working, I'm reading, listening and playing music, working out and playing boardgames.