Hi, I’m Bárbara!

Young woman smiling

I'm a freelance science writer based in Porto, Portugal. I'm experienced in writing and editing feature articles, news stories, blogs, newsletters and more.

I also offer communications consultancy services to clients around the world, and particularly enjoy helping scientists get their science out there.

My Services


I write about the nuanced but tangible impact of scientific progress on society, with a focus on stories about agriculture, health, climate change and the environment.

My journalism


I help institutions create engaging and relevant content to help them better communicate what they are doing in STEM. I write and edit newsletters, social media content and more.

Want to work together? Reach out!

Speaking & Moderating Panels

I love interacting with a live audience, whether it is a small roundtable or a conference hall of thousands. I offer speaking and moderation services for workshops, panels and more.

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